"Odyssey" for Mandolin Orchestra
1st Mand. 2nd Mand. Dola M.Cello Guit.M.Lone D.Bas.
(1&2 Mand M.Celloはdiv.あり Loneはなくても可)
P29 Ca. 15'
岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団 委嘱
初演 2018年8月26日(日)
岐阜・OKBふれあい会館 サラマンカホール
倉知竜也 指揮/岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団。
With more than 30 concerts, the total number of people would be quite large.Unfortunately, we don't have the same members at every concert.I came up with the title with the hope that it would be a place for members who have left to come back.
The playing time is 15 minutes, but there are cuts that can be played two minutes shorter and versions that require two percussionists.
World Premiere ; August 26, 2018 Salamanca Hall,Gifu
Conducted by Tatsuya Kurachi / Gifu City Mandolin Orchestra
"Stroop Effect" for Mandolin Orchestra
1st Mand. A&B、2nd Mand.A&B Dola A&B M.Cello A&B
Guit. A&B M.Lone D.Bas. (Loneはなくても可)
P33 Ca. 8'
The Stroop Effect is a psychological term that refers to the phenomenon of two pieces of information interfering with each other at the same time, such as the meaning of a letter and the color of the letter.
For example, if a question is asked to answer the name of a color, it will take longer to answer the name "red" written in blue ink (blue) than it will to answer the name "red" written in red ink.
I uses a minimalist approach, attempting to musicalize the way in which a number of musical materials change with subtle discrepancies.

Mandolin Orchestra
The Score, Parts will be sold on this site soon.(Downloadable PDF version only)
ヘッディング 1
Lachrymae for Mandolin Orchestra
1st & 2nd Mand. Dola M.Cello Guit. M.Lone
D.Bas(Lone部分はD.Basで代用) P7 Ca. 6'
岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団 委嘱
初演 2009年7月26日(日)
岐阜・県民ふれあい会館 サラマンカホール
倉知竜也 指揮/岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団。
Composed for the memorial of a member who died suddenly before the concert.
World Premiere ; July 26, 2009 Salamanca Hall,Gifu
Conducted by Tatsuya Kurachi / Gifu City Mandolin Orchestra
"YUI" for Mandolin Orchestra
1st & 2nd Mand. Dola M.Cello Guit. M.Lone
D.Bas(Loneはなくても可) P26 Ca,13'20"
岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団 委嘱
初演 2013年8月18日(日)
岐阜・ふれあい福寿会館 サラマンカホール
倉知竜也 指揮/岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団。
The idea was inspired by the word "Yui," which I learned about in Shirakawa-go, where I was researching, during the process of creating the Gifu Suite.
Even today, the system of tying is still in place for the replacement of thatched roofs and rice planting.,I replaced the word "unity," which values the connection between people, with the act of an ensemble.
World Premiere ; August 18, 2013 Salamanca Hall,Gifu
Conducted by Tatsuya Kurachi / Gifu City Mandolin Orchestra
The butterfly expands the wing to the sky of the dawn, ...
1st & 2nd Mand. Dola M.Cello Guit1&2 M.Lone D.Bas
(Loneはなくても可) P36 Ca,15'
岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団 委嘱
初演 2008年7月27日(日)
岐阜・県民ふれあい会館 サラマンカホール
倉知竜也 指揮/岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団。
In Gifu, there is a beautiful butterfly called the Giff butterfly.
The music was composed with the image of the life of that butterfly, imagining it spreading its wings in the pre-dawn sky and flying away.
The two mandolin parts are supposed to be placed in opposing positions.
World Premiere ; July 27, 2008 Salamanca Hall,Gifu
Conducted by Tatsuya Kurachi / Gifu City Mandolin Orchestra
"Gifu suite; Four seasons" for Mandolin Orchestra
1st & 2nd Mand. Dola M.Cello Guit.
M.Lone D.Bas(Loneはなくても可)
1. P16 Ca,6'20" 2. P14 Ca,6'15" 3. P11 Ca,6'20"
4. P23 Ca,6'30" Total P64 Ca,25'25"
岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団 委嘱
初演 2008年7月27日(日)
岐阜・県民ふれあい会館 サラマンカホール
倉知竜也 指揮/岐阜シティマンドリン合奏団。
第1曲 秋 高山 高山祭の印象
第2曲 冬 白川郷寒さの厳しい冬の白川郷、家の中の暖かい歌
第3曲 春 揖斐川 水の記憶
第4曲 郡上 徹夜の郡上の総踊り
Music based on the theme of Gifu.
I chose a distinctive place in Gifu and applied four seasons to it.
1. Autumn Takayama Images of the Takayama Festival
2.Winter Shirakawago Cold winter in Shirakawa-go, a warm song in the house
3.Spring Ibi River Memories of Water
4.Summer Gujo All-night Gujo dance
World Premiere ; July 27, 2008 Salamanca Hall,Gifu
Conducted by Tatsuya Kurachi / Gifu City Mandolin Orchestra